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Accessing Coordinated Entry

How can someone living on the street access or be referred to Coordinated Entry?

LICH has a messaging system for reporting anyone that is observed to be living on the street: 631-464-4314 x 118. People living on the street, outreach workers, advocates and community members should utilize this line to ensure that someone living on the street is known to the LICH Street Outreach Team.

LICH has a small street outreach team that goes out into the community in both Suffolk and Nassau- working directly with people that are living on the street for the longest lengths of time. Our team provides permanent housing-focused case management, which often requires that we engage the same people frequently and over long periods of time until stably and permanently housed. This is achieved through fully understanding someone’s living situation, their resources, their eligibility for various programs, their housing preferences and goals, and then assisting with applying for housing programs based on the person’s preferences.

Due to the significant increase in people experiencing street homelessness, LICH is no longer able to provide a direct response/support to each person living unsheltered. Referrals will be prioritized based on the length of time people have been experiencing homelessness. This means some people will be referred to other street outreach and existing resources.

LICH facilitated a funding process, where funds for four new street outreach teams were applied for, to better meet the dramatically increased needs within the community.

LICH does not operate emergency shelter and does not have funds to pay for things like arrears and other expenses. All year-round emergency housing requires that people apply through DSS. There are some winter shelter programs, drop-in centers, and warming centers that become available to the public during freezing temperatures.

LICH is not able to provide services including distribution of food/items or transportation for everyone on the street, due to staff capacity challenges and a low inventory of supplies based only on donations. LICH can only provide essential items and transportation to clients enrolled in the street outreach program.


Types of Community Response Street Outreach:

Minimizing Criminalization and Encampment Sweeps:

LICH strongly advocates against all forms of criminalization of homelessness. LICH Street Outreach staff coordinate directly with police and other emergency service response entities to conduct outreach.

Inclement Weather Outreach:

LICH will conduct outreach ahead of any serious weather patterns, such as extreme temperatures, hurricanes, storms, and other dangerous situations.

Missing Persons Outreach:

LICH is regularly following up with those homeless on the street longest and the most vulnerable. It is common that people go missing because they need to move around to remain safe, may not have a working phone, or otherwise relocate. If a client that is missing is reported, it will help us reconnect and continue working on housing.

Problem Solving and Resource Sharing:

All other community referrals will be added to our known locations list that outreach teams follow and check on when in that area, coordinate referrals to other outreach teams that exist in the community and share available resources with people over the phone when able, such as how to access shelter, where drop-in centers are located, and information about other housing and support services programs.  

Partner Agency Outreach:

The LICH Team will join other outreach teams, in a joint effort to engage groups. This is done to achieve warm handoffs and connections to other or additional support, and to establish consistency in best practices and approaches in doing street outreach (cross training).


Transportation is available only to LICH clients due to limited staffing and vehicles.


Nassau Able Ride:


Distribution of Food and other Essential Items:

Distribution of items is only available to LICH clients, due to limited staffing and supplies, unless we can identify volunteers to help gather and distribute more items. LICH does have a Boutique located at the Amityville Resource Center, that can be accessed by referral but requires that items be picked up. Other community drop-in centers, faith-based entities, and local community members also help distribute needed items.


LICH coordinates directly with various CES Access Partners such as: Pax Christi, The INN, Maureen’s Haven, United Veterans Beacon House, Federation of Organizations Outreach

Any Veteran living on the streets, regardless of the length of time experiencing homelessness should contact:

SSVF-S:US (Nassau): 631-227-0777 or EOC of Suffolk (Suffolk): 631-854-9100 for immediate assistance.

How can someone living in an emergency shelter access or be referred to Coordinated Entry?

Anyone residing in an emergency shelter (non-DV) has their information entered into a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database. LICH is the administrative agency of the database and all clients entered into the system are reviewed based on the length of time they are experiencing homelessness. LICH also cross-references that information with DSS rosters to ensure accuracy.

All households that are currently homeless are tracked on a “By-Name List” in order of their length of time homeless. LICH staff work down the structured By-Name List and reach out to households to be assessed for housing needs. Currently, LICH staff are contacting households that have been living in shelter continuously for greater than one year.

Because this information is being tracked, regularly reviewed for accuracy, and coordinated directly with DSS, there is no need to place a referral to LICH for a person living in shelter unless it is a single adult that was homeless on the street for a period of time before entering the shelter. In this situation, LICH may not have all the information to verify someone’s length of time homeless. For this situation, LICH has a referral form that can be completed.

All single adults that are identified as being homeless in shelter and/or any the street for greater than one year and also have a disability will be connected and assigned to a LICH Housing Navigator. Only chronically homeless single adults are targeted to work directly with LICH Housing Navigators.

For households experiencing homelessness for less than one year, please utilize 2-1-1, NYCONNECTS, or visit the Need Help? page on the CoC website.

Any Veteran living in a shelter, regardless of the length of time experiencing homelessness should contact:

SSVF-S:US (Nassau): 631-227-0777 or EOC of Suffolk (Suffolk): 631-854-9100 for immediate assistance.

How can someone that is actively fleeing domestic violence with nowhere to go able to access Coordinated Entry?

The Safe Center of Long Island manages a Coordinated Entry System specifically designed to meet the needs of people experiencing domestic violence. Someone should contact The Safe Center directly at 516-542-0404 for safety planning, connection to resources, and an assessment for housing opportunities.

How can someone that is at imminent risk of becoming homeless access Coordinated Entry?

LICH has a Homeless Diversion staff that can provide problem solving support and linkages to available resources. Diversion strategies include, but are not limited to, temporary stays with family or friends, family re-unification, relocation (including out of state) and budgeting/credit score training.

All other households in living situations not listed above should visit the Need Help? page on the CoC website.

If you have any questions regarding CES Access, the HUD definition of chronic homelessness or need guidance compelting and submitting forms please contact Jessica Labia at

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