Safety First
Your immediate safety safety is a top priority when addressing any crisis.
If you need to leave a violent or abusive household, click here.
If you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health crisis, including being at risk of suicide, click here.
Finding new housing
Finding affordable housing is a challenge on Long Island. At this time, there are no free services available to help locating units, unless you are enrolled in another program.
Check out sites with affordable housing listings here.
Housing vouchers provide rental assistance on an ongoing basis, but have extremely limited availability. Find more information here.
Problem Solving
Ask yourself the following questions to help figure out your options:
Can I temporarily stay with family or friends until I figure out my next step?
Can I temporarily pay for a motel until I figure out my next step?
Can I work out a payment plan with my landlord?
Can I relocate to another unit or area that is cheaper?
Have I explored community-based resources to help?
Have I applied for one time assistance through DSS to help keep me housed?
These programs can provide funds to eligible households to keep them housed or relocate to a new unit. All households will be directed to first explore other available options. Those with the greatest risk of becoming literal homeless (no other place to stay) will be assisted first.
Accessing Emergency Shelter
Please explore all other options and resources before entering shelter as a last resort. Emergency short-term shelter is a safety net resource only for those with no alternatives. All emergency shelters on Long Island require that households apply for emergency housing through the local Department of Social Services. There are few exceptions to this for unaccompanied youth, victims of domestic violence, and Veterans that, if VA-eligible, can access shelter through the VA.
Community Resources
St. Vincent de Paul can provide one-time assistance for individuals and families in need throughout most communities on Long Island. They prioritize those at risk for homelessness. Connect online using the link above, over the phone, or through your local diocese.
Request Assistance: 516-822-3132
United Way Long Island
United Way maintains resource lists and can refer callers to a variety of programs and services.
Call: 211
Local Salvation Army chapters may be able to provide one-time emergency rental assistance to pay past due rent or provide funds needed to move to a new unit.
Hempstead: (516)-485-4900
Freeport: 516-378-4557
Westbury: 516-338-7265
East Northport: 631-368-1170
Riverhead: (631) 727-3338
General number: 800-728-7825

Worried about becoming homeless?
There can be many reasons why people fear becoming homeless. Losing a job or a family member, experiencing landlord harassment, being behind on rent, fleeing domestic violence, and other factors can all lead to housing instability. Explore the resources below to help you find address common issues that can cause a housing crisis. Click the buttons below if you are in immediate need.
Behind on rent
There may be resources available to help you pay rent that you owe, especially if you fell behind due to COVID-19. Check out rental arrear programs here.
If you have already have an eviction submitted to the court because you are behind on rent, make sure connect to legal services.
If you are to be evicted within the next 21 days because you are behind on rent, some additional resources may be available to you.
Loss of income
If you lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic, help paying past due rent may be available to you. Check out those resources here.
If you lost your income need help increasing it in order to afford your rent, check out employment services and vocational training resources here.
Explore resources to obtain and maximize government benefits, including unemployment, here.
Need help paying bills
If you cannot afford basic necessities such as food and clothing, explore resources here.
If you need help paying for utilities, check out resources here.
Check if any housing voucher (Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher) lists are open nationwide here. Find information on local public housing authorities here.
Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for government benefit programs. Explore related resources here.
Other information about help is available at and through 211.
Emergency Homeless Prevention Programs
Eligibility for homeless prevention:
Must have a household income of 30% area median income, or less
Is facing imminent eviction within 21 days
Has no other resources (financial and support systems) to not become homeless
Households must be able to stay in current unit if rent arrears are paid, or household has identified a new unit to move to, where there is a plan to pay ongoing rent once in that unit
Households that are actively fleeing domestic violence are also eligible
Nassau County
Nassau DSS, 60 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard
Uniondale, NY
General Information: 516-227-8519
After-Hours Services: 516-573-8626
Nassau County Office of Community Development
Suffolk County
Suffolk DSS
Coram Center
80 Middle Country Rd, Coram
MacArthur Center
3455 Veterans Memorial Highway, Ronkonkoma
Riverhead Center
893 E. Main St, Riverhead
Smithtown Center
200 Wireless Boulevard, Hauppauge
South West Center
2 South 2nd St, Deer Park
Town of Brookhaven
Town of Islip
SSVF programs are available for all Veterans at-risk of homelessness.
Services for the Underserved (S:US, Nassau County)