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NY-603 CoC communications has moved to Constant Contact, which is an opt-in email and media service.
Please click the box below to receive CoC emails on the CoC Funding Round, other funding opportunities, local resources and training opportunities, and for CoC Business meeting invitations.
important numbers

LICH Street Outreach Hotline; Hotline is not staffed and staff will return your call within 48-72 hours
631-464-4314 ext. 118
For Immediate Shelter in Nassau County, Please call Department of Social Services
Before 4PM: 516-227-8519
After 4:30PM: 516-573-8626
If the temperature drops below freezing (32 degrees), anyone on the street has immediate access
For Immediate Shelter in Suffolk County, Please call Department of Social Services
Before 4PM: 631-854-9935
After 4:30PM: 631-854-9100
If the temperature drops below freezing (32 degrees), anyone on the street has immediate access
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